5 Things to Know Before Hiring Wood Fence Builders

Author: Emerson Beck

Homeowners love to handle installs on their own. It saves time and money, while also giving you a chance to understand your home. But with the complexity of some fencing projects, there are reasons why more homeowners are starting to see the benefits of hiring professional fence builders in Sacramento.
Consider these things before hiring your local fence builder
Look beyond the wood fence builders’ portion of a website. What else do they offer? Do they specialize in wood fences, or simply offer it as an option? How long have they been in business? Are their reviews positive. All of these questions should be at the top of your list before asking for a quote. A good business has a lot to offer, but sometimes you have to load the important questions upfront.
At Classic Fence Company, we have over 20 professional fence builders that each specialize in different types of fences. And we have stellar online reviews (which you can view here on our Google Business Profile). Call us today for a local fencing project estimate or read further information on why to hire a wood fence installer.
Measuring & Marking Your Fence
Measuring and marking your fence has two purposes for wood fence builders. The first has to do with staying within the correct property lines. You should know where your property ends and your neighbors begins. If the information is hard to get, then a land surveyor can provide answers. The second purpose of measuring and marking has to do with price. You may spend a lot less (or a lot more) after figuring out the exact measurements.
Select The Type of Fence
Wood is one of many options when building a fence. Aluminum, vinyl, simulated stone and other materials are available for purchase. Ask about the pros and cons of each so that you understand which type of fence is the best choice for the project. There is always a chance to get creative when you dive deep into the style options for a fence type. There is additional information on different styles and designs for your backyard fences.
Find Your Local Fence Companies
When individuals want local businesses, the search term used is the ‘best fence company near me’. Local wood fence builders will have a lot of extra bells and whistles to show off. They can help fast-track some of the more tedious parts of building in the preparation stage. A local company will also be familiar with the rules and ordinances in your area. These small features turn into big prizes when you want to avoid stalls and missteps in a fencing project.
We have been voted as the best local fence company in the greater Sacramento area.
Estimated Timeline to Install the Fence
Any time you start a construction project, banking on time delays is the smart option. No one has a crystal ball that will give you the exact time a project will be finished. Lacking flexibility hurts the company that you hire, even when it’s a simple installation of wood fence panels. It also hurts the quality of the work being done, and forces bad decisions to be made. Be realistic with the estimated timeline so that the business hired can accomplish your intended vision.
Don’t Forget to Ask About the Warranty
Do you think that you’ve got everything figured out? Don’t forget the warranty! It’s not just about knowing the existence of the contract, but also understanding its contents.
Ask questions about anything you don’t understand, and be forthcoming about issues you have with coverage. The average life of a fence is about 15-20 years, with the actual longevity dependent on the quality of the build. To get started, use the search term ‘fencing contractors near me’.
Stay Patient
A wood fence will stand strong as long as the hands that placed them are capable. Even a small project takes some care before you start to see its development. Choose the right builders, and the project will be a success.
Hiring the Best Local Fence Contractors
Hiring a good fence contractor to complete your backyard project is a sure way of guaranteeing quality craftsmanship. At Classic Fence Company, we hold every local project to the highest of standards. Call us today at (916) 330-1144 and we can set up a site visitation to provide you with a no-obligations estimation. You have nothing to lose.