8 Privacy Fence Ideas for Backyards

Picture of Author: Emerson Beck

Author: Emerson Beck

The Best Fence Company _ Classic Fence Co


When it comes to privacy fences in Sacramento County, there are a lot of options to choose from. You can go with a traditional wooden privacy fence, or you could get creative and opt for something more unique. In this blog post, we will discuss eight privacy fence ideas for backyards that will help you create the perfect outdoor space for your home.

Purpose of a Privacy Fence

A privacy fence is a great way to create a secluded outdoor space in your home. Whether you want to relax in your backyard without neighbors being able to see you, or you simply don’t want people walking by your property, a privacy fence can be a great solution. There are many different types of privacy fences that you can choose from.

Different Types of Privacy Fences 

Wood Fence  

wooden fence agains a blue house

The standard fence option. Wood fences are affordable and provide ample privacy, depending on how tall you make them. You can Stain or paint them any color you want to match your house or landscape. Wood fences provide a classic look and feel to your backyard privacy fence.

There’s also no doubt that wood fences are easily one of the most inexpensive privacy fence ideas around, making them ideal for the budget-conscious buyer.

Vinyl Fence

privacy vinyl white fence against a background of trees

If you don’t want to deal with the maintenance of a wood fence, then a vinyl privacy fence is a great option. Vinyl fences come in many different styles and can even mimic the look of a wood fence without all the work. They are also available in various colors to match your home or landscape, making them one of the most aesthetic high privacy fence ideas around.

Traditional Brick Fencing

For the classic privacy fence ideas DIY option, you can’t go wrong with a traditional brick privacy fence. Brick fences are incredibly strong and durable, and they can provide a high degree of privacy. However, they are also the most expensive option regarding privacy fences.

Metal Fences

metal fence surrounding a swimming pool

Metal fences are expensive to produce and install, but they provide the highest level of security and ample privacy. They are also incredibly durable. Metal fences are typically made from aluminum or iron.

SimTek Fences

simtek fences in Sacramento

SimTek fences are made from a mixture of materials, including wood and plastic. They require little maintenance and are easy to install. However, they are not as strong or durable as other privacy fences.

These fences work well as one of ŧhe best horizontal privacy fence ideas, meaning you can quite easily cover a lot of ground if needed, without bumping up the cost too much.

Benefits of a Privacy Fence

Installing a privacy fence can bring plenty of benefits to your home or business.


It’s in the title. Fences like this are ideal if you’re trying to keep nosey neighbors from looking in or if you want to keep your kids and pets safely within the confines of your yard.

Security & Safety

Not only does a privacy fence offer privacy from the outside world, but it can also offer security if you have valuables in your home or backyard.

Animal Boundary

If you have pets that like to roam, a privacy fence can help keep them contained in your yard. This is especially beneficial if you live in a rural area with dangers like wild animals. In Sacramento, it can also be useful to keep wild rodents and snakes out. 

Therefore, privacy fences can also be a great way to keep your children safe while they are playing in the backyard.

Property Separation

If you have a large piece of property, privacy fences can help you to define the different areas of your land. This is especially helpful if you have a garden or pool that you want to keep separate from the rest of your yard.

Increase in Home Value

Installing a privacy fence can also increase the value of your home. This is because privacy fences provide many of the same benefits that buyers are looking for when they are searching for a new home. 

Hiring a Privacy Fence Contractor in Sacramento, CA

If you’re planning with privacy fence ideas, whatever you go for, realize that any kind of privacy fence can be a great addition to your home. 

There are many different types of privacy fences that you can choose from, and each has its own set of benefits. Offering privacy, security, and safety for your home or business, they are certainly a worthwhile investment for any kind of property. If you want to discuss any of the above options in greater detail, don’t hesitate to contact a Sacramento fencing company at (916) 330-1144. You can find our contact information here

We also have tips on putting up your own wooden fence. Or better yet, why you should hire a professional fence installer


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